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buying.a house in seguin

Common Closing Costs When Purchasing a Home-Krista-Moreno-Seguin-Texas-Real-Estate-Guadalupe-County-Real-Estate-Selling-a-Home-Real-Estate-Market-in-Guadalupe-County

Most Common Closing Costs When Purchasing a Home

Buying a home is a significant financial undertaking, and while it’s difficult for buyers to fathom paying additional out-of-pocket expenses, closing costs in Texas can run an additional 2-6% of the home’s purchase price.  Buyers must understand the added fees before it’s time for the keys to exchange hands.  Here's a breakdown of the most common closing costs when purchasing a...

501 N Austin Street before_after-Bloom-Realty-Krista-Moreno-Seguin-Texas-Real-Estate-Guadalupe-County-Real-Estate-Selling-a-Home-Real-Estate-Market-in-Guadalupe-County

501 N Austin Street

As a child, I would eagerly await the 4th of July parade, as do most children in Seguin.  My father always took us to the Texaco gas station at 501 N Austin Street to sit and watch the colors and music float by.  Over the years, that building has become a special place for me. I’ve taken my children there to watch the parade and now my grandchildren. Going there every year has preserved a...

Spring Market is in Bloom Bloom-Realty-Krista-Moreno-Seguin-Texas-Real-Estate-Guadalupe-County-Real-Estate-Selling-a-Home-Real-Estate-Market-in-Guadalupe-County

Spring Market is in Full Bloom

If you're unsure about the market right now, you're not alone. It's hard to know what's happening while the housing market emits so many mixed signals. As supply begins to mirror pre-pandemic levels, we need to recognize that it's the result of rising interest rates. Is our market at a stalemate? Are sellers choosing to sit tight with their locked-in low interest while buyers stand by to 'wait and...

Common Home Staging Tricks-Bloom Realty-Krista Moreno Realtor-Seguin real estate-new braunfels real estate-guadalupe county-real estate-seguin texas-new braunfels

Common Home Staging Tricks that Buyers Should Know

While home staging is primarily designed to highlight a home's best features, it can also hide potential problems. A quality REALTOR® will not allow clients to hide significant issues that a home inspector will ultimately find. Here are some common home staging tricks that buyers should know. Curtains Stagers can use curtains or curtain rods to hide small, cracked, or damaged windows.  They...

Pros & Cons of a Cash Offer-Bloom Realty-seguin tx real estate-guadalupe county real estate-new braunfesl realtor-realtor in guadalupe county-realtor in seguin

Pros & Cons of a Cash Offer

In a competitive housing market, buyers are pulling out all the stops. While you may have saved enough money to purchase a house with cash, there are several things to consider. Here are the pros & cons of a cash offer.     PROS Interest Rates   Paying cash will save money on the overall cost of a new home.  The amount paid in interest over a 30-year mortgage will most...

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