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Tips to Organize your Kitchen

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Tips to Organize your Kitchen Bloom-Realty-Krista-Moreno-Seguin-Texas-Real-Estate-Guadalupe-County-Real-Estate-Selling-a-Home-Real-Estate-Market-in-Guadalupe-County

We’ve all seen the video reels where everything in the kitchen is decanted in fancy containers, super organized, and labeled with care, but how realistic is that?  A clear container dreamland can quickly turn into chaos without constant cleaning and maintenance, and honestly, who has that kind of time?!  While “Pinterest pantries are desirable, they’re not practical for every family.  Here are a few tips to organize your kitchen.

First, take a deep breath and show yourself some grace!  We are busy, life is hectic, and kids couldn’t care less if their cereal is labeled. Use these organizational strategies so that they work for you rather than against you.  Not everyone owns a label maker – and that’s ok!

Start With a Clean Slate

Set aside an afternoon to do a thorough purge before you start organizing.  Should you pull everything out of your cabinets – Yes.  WAIT!  DON’T STOP READING YET!!  While this part sounds like a lot of work, it’s an essential step to help keep clutter at bay in the long run. There is so much we don’t see when things are piled in and hidden from plain sight.  Completely emptying the cabinets or pantry will allow you to wipe down the space and make it easier to plan and decide how you want to organize it as you put it all back.  It’s worth it, I promise! 


Get rid of mismatched containers, random lids, broken appliances, and expired dry goods. You might be surprised at what has gotten buried and forgotten about in the cabinet abyss.  Donate kitchen gadgets you know you won’t use (I’m looking at you, crepe maker).  Once you have decluttered, it will be easier to comb through and toss old items as you bring in new ones.   

Plan a Practical Layout

Think about your needs first and then decide where to put things.  Place items where you’ll use them, and keep things that you often use close at hand. For example, coffee/tea and all the accouterments should be close to the coffee machine, spices and oils should go near the oven, and your most used dishes should be near the sink or dishwasher.  Store less frequently used dishes and appliances out of the way, or get rid of them completely.

  • A corner turntable is perfect for small appliances, and the high awkward cabinets over the stove or fridge are perfect for lesser-used items like serving platters.

Organizing Gadgets

Another benefit of pulling everything out of cabinets is that it will help you assess your organization needs

  • Turntables are ideal for spices and condiments. 
  • Pan & lid organizers are game changers.
  • Small bins work wonders to corral small items like sauce and rice packets.
  • Pull-out shelves/drawers give you instant access to items.
  • Expandable spice racks and shelf risers allow you to use all your vertical space and see all your items at once.  They are ideal for canned goods. 

Even with the best intentions, a kitchen can go from everything in its place to being totally misplaced in the blink of an eye.  However, once you have done a thorough purge and organizing session, regular maintenance and keeping clutter at bay will become a breeze. While you’re on your own organizing your kitchen, I am always here to help you with any questions you may have about real estate. Email me at krista@bloomrealtytx.com or call me at (830) 305-5248 for any questions you may have about real estate.  I will be your trusted guide every step of the way!

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