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guadalupe county real estate market

Features That Attract Buyers Krista-Moreno-Seguin-Texas-Real-Estate-Guadalupe-County-Real-Estate-Selling-a-Home-Real-Estate-Market-in-Guadalupe-County

Features That Attract Buyers

When you’re ready to put your house on the market, it's crucial to understand what buyers are looking for. While some factors may be out of your control—like market conditions, location, or the age of your home—knowing the features that attract buyers will empower you to make informed decisions and increase your chances of a quick and successful sale. Updated Kitchen The kitchen, considered...

Why July-Bloom-Realty-Krista-Moreno-Seguin-Texas-Real-Estate-Guadalupe-County-Real-Estate-Selling-a-Home-Real-Estate-Market-in-Guadalupe-County

Why July?

Selling a home can be an exciting but daunting process. Timing is everything when listing your property, and choosing the right month can significantly impact your chances of success. While spring is often considered the prime real estate season, many homeowners underestimate the benefits of listing their homes in July. Here are a few reasons why July is a fantastic time to put your home on the market and...

Home Improvement Projects You Can Do on the Weekend-Bloom-Realty-Krista-Moreno-Seguin-Texas-Real-Estate-Guadalupe-County-Real-Estate-Selling-a-Home-Real-Estate-Market-in-Guadalupe-County

Home Improvement Projects You Can Do on the Weekend

Weekends are a time to relax, unwind, and rejuvenate. However, if you feel restless on your days off, why not tackle some projects around the house? A few minor DIY projects can make a major difference! Here are a few home improvement projects you can do on the weekend to spruce up your living space for the coming season.  A Splash of Paint Painting a room is one of the most satisfying and...

Spring Cleaning Tips Bloom-Realty-Krista-Moreno-Seguin-Texas-Real-Estate-Guadalupe-County-Real-Estate-Selling-a-Home-Real-Estate-Market-in-Guadalupe-County

Spring Cleaning Tips

As we move into spring and summer, it's time to prepare your home for the warmer months. Here are a few general upkeep reminders and spring cleaning tips to make sure everything in and around your home is in good shape. Inspect roofing: look for missing, loose, or damaged shingles and signs of any leaks. Remove leaves and debris from gutters and downspouts. Inspect the chimney for...

Spring Market is in Bloom Bloom-Realty-Krista-Moreno-Seguin-Texas-Real-Estate-Guadalupe-County-Real-Estate-Selling-a-Home-Real-Estate-Market-in-Guadalupe-County

Spring Market is in Full Bloom

If you're unsure about the market right now, you're not alone. It's hard to know what's happening while the housing market emits so many mixed signals. As supply begins to mirror pre-pandemic levels, we need to recognize that it's the result of rising interest rates. Is our market at a stalemate? Are sellers choosing to sit tight with their locked-in low interest while buyers stand by to 'wait and...

Hottest Kitchen Trends for 2023-Bloom-Realty-Krista-Moreno-Seguin-Texas-Real-Estate-Guadalupe-County-Real-Estate-Selling-a-Home-Real-Estate-Market-in-Guadalupe-County

Hottest Kitchen Trends for 2023

Kitchens are typically the heart of a home and often the first room homeowners choose to upgrade or renovate.  Whether it’s a smaller-scale project, like painting the cabinets, or something bigger, like opening up the floor plan, there are several options that can make a kitchen look more modern and up-to-date.  The popular design inspiration site, Houzz.com recently surveyed over 2,000...

Happy Valentines Day Bloom-Realty-Krista-Moreno-Seguin-Texas-Real-Estate-Guadalupe-County-Real-Estate-Selling-a-Home-Real-Estate-Market-in-Guadalupe-County

Happy Valentine’s Day

“Happy Valentine’s Day!” Today is February 14th, and that simple phrase will echo through households, workplaces, and schools across the US. Folks will exchange candy, flowers, and gifts, and the chances of eating out without a reservation this evening are slim to none!   But why?    St. Valentine’s Day, as we know it today, contains remnants of both Christian and ancient Roman...

Tips to Organize your Kitchen Bloom-Realty-Krista-Moreno-Seguin-Texas-Real-Estate-Guadalupe-County-Real-Estate-Selling-a-Home-Real-Estate-Market-in-Guadalupe-County

Tips to Organize your Kitchen

We’ve all seen the video reels where everything in the kitchen is decanted in fancy containers, super organized, and labeled with care, but how realistic is that?  A clear container dreamland can quickly turn into chaos without constant cleaning and maintenance, and honestly, who has that kind of time?!  While “Pinterest pantries are desirable, they’re not practical for every family. ...

Design Decisions that Could Affect Your Home Value-Bloom-Realty-Krista-Moreno-Seguin-Texas-Real-Estate-Guadalupe-County-Real-Estate-Selling-a-Home-Real-Estate-Market-in-Guadalupe-County

Design Decisions That Could Affect Your Home’s Value

A significant advantage in buying a home is the ability to customize it. Renovating your home to be more modern and functional can make it more enjoyable. However, when it comes time to put your home on the market, you want buyers to see themselves living in it. Here are the top design decisions that could affect your home’s value. Replacing the Bathtub While most folks prefer the convenience of...

Common Cleaning Myths-Bloom-Realty-Krista-Moreno-Seguin-Texas-Real-Estate-Guadalupe-County-Real-Estate-Selling-a-Home-Real-Estate-Market-in-Guadalupe-County

The Dirt on Common Cleaning Myths 

Whether you're feverishly cleaning to prepare for family and friends this holiday season or giving your home its annual deep clean, it's time to take a break and separate fact from fiction to age-old cleaning myths. Some of these myths may have been true when cleaning supplies were less advanced than today, but they may be doing more harm than good.  Here's the dirt on common cleaning...

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